Home > ZAP Customers, ZAP Fleet, ZAP Xebra > ZAP Electric Truck Delivering Ice at the Air Show

ZAP Electric Truck Delivering Ice at the Air Show

It’s 100 degrees out at the annual air show this past Sunday. I’m walking around dying from thirst and all the lines for refreshments are prohibitively long, when I notice this red pickup truck pulling up to a vendor that seems shut down.

It’s the ZAP Xebra electric truck filled with ice and they proceed to unload a couple of ice chests and the vendor is back in business. Luckily I had my iPhone and snapped this quick video. Then I had an ice cold water!

It’s always a treat to be out and about and find someone using a ZAP electric vehicle that you didn’t expect. All throughout the show I noticed a wide variety of different vehicles at work. Some of the golf carts used by management were electric, but there were also several annoyingly loud and smelly gas utility vehicles delivering supplies or collecting garbage that in my humble opinion should not be used at events where there are large gatherings of people. They sound like tractors and you can’t hear when they drive by leaving behind a cloud of exhaust.  I was almost thinking this when suddenly the ZAP truck appeared!

This is a great move by the vendors at the Air Show. Electric trucks like this are now available, larger and with many more options. Hopefully more event organizers will realize how much better they are for airports, air shows and large events.

If you ever get a chance, visit the Pacific Coast Air Museum. They organize the annual Wings Over the Wine Country, Sonoma County’s annual Air Show every August at the Charles M. Schulz Sonoma County International Airport (STS). It really is a blast, but wear plenty of sunscreen and show up early to park your folding chair under a vacant airplane wing and you will be in for a great show.

And to whomever decided to use the ZAP truck to deliver ice… I owe you a cold one!

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